When it comes to the finishing touches, only the most pristine surface will do. Mobile, compact and easy to use, the Paint Finishing System delivers an unparalleled polishing experience. The Total Automotive Sanding System is in a league of its own. And it’s incredibly intuitive: if you see a green part, it has a function, plus storage for all pieces cuts down on time spent searching for tools. Needless to say, your job just got a whole lot easier.
The system works seamlessly with 3M abrasives and enables the use of abrasives to the end of life. Combine that with premium Festool Automotive Systems power tools and surface-prep workstations, and you’ve got the most comprehensive system the industry has ever seen. Try it for yourself. You’ll never look back.
From body repair to paint prep to paint finishing, industry professionals have a variety of needs and preferences. The comprehensive Total Automotive Sanding System meets and exceeds the needs of the automotive collision repair industry. Discover which system is right for you.
3M y Festool han formado una colaboración estratégica global para poder servir mejor las demandas de la industria de reparación y repintado automotriz. Los innovadores abrasivos de 3M únicos de su clase, incluidos los abrasivos 3M™ Cubitron™ II, ahora están disponibles en conjunto con las herramientas de preparación de superficies de los sistemas automotrices superiores de Festool. Esto incluye lijadoras eléctricas y neumáticas, pulidoras, respaldos, estaciones de trabajo para preparación de superficies y sistemas al vacío, así como funciones y servicio de extracción de polvo.